Episode 103: The Vibe of Luxury


Hello World!!


Welcome to GEMS with Curry Glassell! Each week Curry Glassell has a conversation about Glamour, Elegance, Money & Sex (although not necessarily in that order!)

In this third episode, Curry shares how to tap into the knowing of wealth; How to step into luxury, with ease. Press Play and tune in.


  • Begin to breathe in the energy and the vibe of luxury and wealth. What would be like to have that in your life? What do you require to do differently to have more of that show up in your life? What do you need to change?

  • Do something different! Do something fun! Treat yourself to luxury by experiencing the vibe of it. Go somewhere that is surrounded by wealth.

  • So you've got choice. What are you going to do with it? Are you going to choose more happiness? Are you going to choose more?