Creating Your Own Next Chapters - Part 2


Curry Confidential

Lance Avery Morgan: Your financial story has been well-recorded in newspapers and the outcome was not, unfortunately, what you expected. Tell me about the strength you summoned and how that helped you survive the ordeal.

Curry Glassell: More than anything what kept me going was acknowledging that my knowing was correct all along. Not that I was right and everyone else was wrong, but that I had to choose what was true for me. Being willing to stand up and fight for myself was another way I changed this from an ugly confrontation into a possibility for growth, even if it was not a popular choice to make. No one teaches us to have our own back and this was my learning to do that the hard way. e news didn’t present my case in this light, but that is what it was for me.

LAM: Your father created a financial empire from the energy business, but little was left for you to change the world and enhance his legacy. So that means you have to create your own — what do you recommend for anyone in a similar position?

In truth it was my grandfather that actually laid the foundation and created the empire that was given to my father. He actually always said that he got lucky. My father expanded and continued what my granddad began with some great contacts and lots of money to help him along.

For anyone in a similar position, I recommend first to set your priorities. The next key thing is to recognize that you need to educate yourself in every area in which where you are unaware with money or business. People in my position, and especially ladies, unfortunately, are often told they won’t have to worry about these things and are kept in the dark. Not a comfortable position to be in when all of a sudden your security blanket is pulled away.

For me, I took classes, read books, researched online, and asked questions of every successful person I know. I found that becoming more aware and conscious about money was as valuable as my investments. I recommend to start with being honest with yourself about where you are and exactly what your life costs to run and create at least three targets for where you would like to be in 3, 5 and 10 years in the future. I have many other ideas which will be in available in my book called Becoming Your Own Financial Guru within in the next few months.

The advice would be that their point of view does, 
and will create their reality.

LAM: Money is an energy. What do you recommend for people to create a more succinct financial energy for themselves that will, in turn, positively affect others?

CG: I recommend to begin by putting 10 percent away from every penny you receive, every month, and when you have the equivalent of six months of living expenses in the fund then you will begin to perceive feeling less stress and more at ease with money. is also helps because a lot of people are living hand to mouth and willing to make money, but not actually willing to just have money. This is a great way of teaching yourself that you can have money.

LAM: Success at the highest level is to be shared. Describe the way you now share your success?

CG: Success to me is about changing lives and opening doors for people to know that they know so they can create the life they have always dreamed about. That begins with asking a question. The question always empowers and the answer always dis-empowers. I would invite anyone to begin to ask questions about what success means to them exactly and what does money mean to them ... and what does wealth mean to them exactly.

For me I share my success by inviting others do to as I have done and learn from the choices I have made.

LAM: Fast-forward 20 years. You’re telling your grandchildren one piece of advice about family and money. What would that be?

CG: The advice would be that their point of view does - and will - create their reality. I would encourage them to not depend on anyone for money, educate themselves, and do whatever it takes to nd out what having their own back is like. I would encourage them to discover and pursue where their own con dence is, to have a look and see which arena they could be an expert in or what area do they love and have so much fun exploring. I would empower them to know they are capable of creating anything, that nothing is impossible, and it is up to them to decide how that looks.